Purpose in the Process
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When you walk with the Lord, there is a purpose in the process. The question is are you going to finish the process to see all that God is doing in you? Sometimes we give up on the process because of our own sin. Maybe you struggle with the same sin over and over. BUT, Paul tells us that because of our faith Christ brought us to a place of undeserved privilege, and we can joyfully look forward to sharing in God’s glory. It isn’t on our “good enough” basis, but our faith in Jesus alone that gives us that opportunity. Paul would say not to give up on the work Jesus is doing in your life because know you messed up again. Paul would say to stay around Jesus and the work He is doing in your life BECAUSE you, and all other Christians, are not perfect. We can rejoice, too, when we face trials because we know that they help us develop endurance, which produces strength of character, which strengthens our confident hope of salvation.